We Moved!!

Dearest Friends and Followers,

If you thought things were pretty quiet around here lately, there has been a lot going on behind the scenes. Namely, our improved website is NOW LIVE!!

You may not see a big difference, but the most important change to note is that you will no longer be able to read our newest blog posts here. You will need to make sure that you bookmark https://sahaleeoffgrid.com and FOLLOW to keep up with all the latest from us here at Sahalee Off Grid.

We have some more big news coming up soon, so we hope you will be following us on the new version of SahaleeOffGrid.com. If you have any suggestions for us or feedback about how things are working, we’d love to hear your thoughts. Just like our homestead, SahaleeOffGrid.com is a masterpiece in the making and it will continue to evolve.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for coming with us on this adventure. We honestly couldn’t have come this far without all your support and continued encouragement. Please do share our story with others who may be interested, and keep the comments coming!!


Ben, Carey, and Radar ❤